Friday, February 14, 2014

Because it's Funny

I posted something snarky on Facebook the other day after receiving this nasty and biting email (names and identifiers have been changed):

How many times does it take to get you to change my e-address from this one to Maybe "third times a charm."


(note Jesus fish in signature line). My intent behind posting this was to gather some moral support and mostly, to make people laugh.  Because this is just freakin' funny folks. Most people who commented on my post were lighthearted and supportive, while some instructed me about how to respond with grace, and how to be Jesus to the emailer, and shouldn't I witness to the emailer...sure, yes. But I posted this initially because it was FUNNY. Hilarious. And we all need a good laugh. It's funny because this person can't see far enough past their Jesus fish to be angry about what REALLY matters. It's funny because who gets mad about email logistics but not the injustices that we talk about in a newsletter like that? Yes, I really do need to figure out a better way of organizing the hundreds of emails I get each day, and I'm very very vary far from being perfect. And yes, being loving to said emailer is important. But come on, send me a nice reminder, I'll fix it and apologize, and let's get mad together about the stuff that counts! What's ironically, terribly, tragically funny is the subject of the aggression. I mean, why don't I get more livid, fired-up, passionate emails like this?:

Can you believe this nonsense? I read in your newsletter that women have to walk 6 hours per day to get safe water in Mozambique?? WTF?!? Isn't there something we can do? Let me know where to send the check.
In Christ,


I'm so freakin' pissed right now about how people are dying of malnutrition in Mozambique!! And, at this moment, I have so many leftovers in my fridge that I will never even finish. This is ludicrous! Why the injustice? Why the inequity?? What can I do to help??
In His Grip,


I'm about to explode. I just learned that 55 children die per day in Mozambique from lack of safe water and I'm livid about it. This really gets my goat.  I'll activate my people now and start a learning group about poverty and injustice. Let's change something about this.
Your True Sister,

I mean this is humor people. It's funny! I just have to laugh.
Or else I'll cry.


  1. I'm with you, sister! Preach!! Let's have some righteous rage out there about stuff we SHOULD be all up at arms over! sheesh.

  2. I just came across this doing some other work. I'm sure you're familiar with this quote, but in case not, it seemed appropriate, with regard to putting the importance of things (or not) in perspective:
    "There remains an experience of incomparable value ... to see the great events of world history from below; from the perspective of the outcast, the suspects, the maltreated, the powerless, the oppressed, the reviled -- in short, from the perspective of those who suffer ... to look with new eyes on matters great and small."
    - Dietrich Bonhoeffer

    1. Lori, thanks so much for the awesome reflections. And thanks again for having me come out and talk with the children's choir. You all are doing AMAZING work. Thanks for your love and support! --S
